"Le site auquel vous avez essayé d'accéder http://www.eosophobia.twoday.net/ est classé dans la catégorie Pornographie."
well well.
that's what the computers at the library of the centre pompidou say if you want to visit my blog.
nice. indeed.
well, maybe i should try to fulfill these claims.
next time more about fauna and flora of my dear jungle-university that is.
so long, whatever...nevermind.
well well.
that's what the computers at the library of the centre pompidou say if you want to visit my blog.
nice. indeed.
well, maybe i should try to fulfill these claims.
next time more about fauna and flora of my dear jungle-university that is.
so long, whatever...nevermind.
berühmter nichtsnutz - 16. Mai, 20:10